Cherish your time


Time is our most precious resource. is a stealthy startup building a line of products that will help anybody capture their thoughts, hopes, and dreams and nurture them to become real.

That fleeting thought, that promise, that spark of an idea - how often are these lost?

Do you have the right priorities, goals that are you best path to fulfillment? Your actual priorities are how you spent your time in the last week, month. Are you actually working on your priorities?

Conscientiousness is the top personality predictor for success in life. Do you consistently do what you said you would do? Do you do better or worse for promises you make to yourself vs. other people?

Improving this is the purpose of Many efforts try to help with these issues. We believe we have a remarkably better approach. We are building a business on that. We are hiring across all technology, marketing, manufacturing, and operational disciplines.

We optimize for empathy.