Our Approach


To fix time we have to get many things right.

We have some advantages

  1. We have been collecting IP on this problem since the last century. We’ve been lucky enough to run several proofs to know that it works. We’ve been luckier still that nobody has spotted the opportunities we have, yet.

  2. We have a point of view that we can have greater fidelity to our customers than any other company. We are amazed how people miss this point. We understand: running a business you have many internal stakeholders, and many external partners to please. Trying to balance one customer segment against another invariably leaves someone unhappy. We have decided to optimize for the individuals who choose to use our service. Not Enterprises. Not Advertisers. Not even shareholders. We pursue 100% fidelity to our customers.

  3. The world has changed, not everybody has figured out the implications of that yet when it comes to building a product, running a business, and marketing to customers. We are running experiments in approach and culture that are showing early returns.